Family Home Evening was spent updating our 72 hour kits, especially with hurricane season upon us. Good thing we didn't' need them recently. Some of the food was spoiled. All the food in there now is good till hurricane season is over, then we need to restock again (it just never ends). Good opportunity to take inventory and build them up with more supplies. Also, I know we started with a flashlight in all of them, but last night, only 1 had a flashlight. So.... we need to stop picking out the loot in the bags!!!!!
The boys hardly had anything to do with the project. I commend Moriah and Melanie for their help and support. Melanie even went the extra mile and filled up a 2 liter bottle of water at her own discretion. I was impressed to see her really thinking it through and taking action. She was very diligent in logging all the contents in 2 bags (not 1 but 2 bags, since Jaren is not here).
In order not to incriminate a certain person of my family, I learned 2 things last night. 1) Always be aware of the yard work being done if you are in any proximity of it, and then wear a helmet, you just never know. 2) find my bottle of ipecac syrup! I went on an ipecac run late last night and came home empty handed (Randall's, Walgreens and CVS).
We set up the volleyball net in the front yard for family home evening so that Moriah could practice volleyball. But after no rain for well over a month and near drought conditions, a storm decided to pass by just after we got the net up. I made the kids go inside because the lighting was well in sight and getting closer. But...........NO RAIN!!!!! It just past south of us. No fun!
Well, I learned something last night, they don't sell ipecac syrup anymore! Isn't every household supposed to have that? Well, that was what I thought but here is the scoop as to why not anymore. Moriah swallowed prenatal vitamins when she was not even 2 years old and I called poison control right away. They told me to give her ipecac syrup. I didn't have any (which is why I know I own some because I got it right after this) so I took her to E/R. They gave her ipecac and she vomited up 3 pills (can you imagine thinking those nasty pills were candy?) I personally think we should still have it in the house, just make sure you call poison control center first (my conclusion after reading this, not last night, obviously).
best fall fashion finds
3 months ago